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tv   ABC7 News Weekly  ABC  February 10, 2013 11:35pm-12:00am EST

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>> live and in hd, this is abc seven news, washington weekly, on your side. >> millions are snowed in and shut down. at least 11 deaths are blamed on the storm. >> the blizzard -- countless cars abandoned on the road. >> day three of the big dig out in the northeast. slow going. >> nobody is getting out. >> and for first responders.
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>> we have 20 ambulances that are not functional because they are snowed in. >> snowed in by as much as 40 inches in connecticut, where president obama has declared it eight of emergency. the weights of the snow is cracking houses and weighing on nerves. >> the plows come and put the snow back onto the driveway. >> many of those who are making it out of the driveway's are finding the roads still a mess. on long island the cleanup continues on snow-blanketed streets where drivers were left stranded for hours. back home, hundreds of thousands in new england are learning they are still without power. >> you have to bundle up in blankets, and it is still not enough. >> emergency shelters are still open. many schools remain closed. it becomes clear it will be a while before it melts away.
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>> i think it will be a few days before we are back and functioning. >> possibly this -- slowing things down even more the forecast for monday calls for rain sleet, and even more snow. >> we will now turn to politics. the state of the union address is expected to take place on tuesday night. i spoke with politico's ken vogel and asked him what we can expect from the president. >> we will certainly hear a lot about jobs and the economy. that is what they want the takeaway headline to be. there is some criticism about that after the inaugural speech, that it was too focused on big liberal issues, not enough on jobs and the economy. there is also that as a way to put pressure on republicans with the sequester coming up. we may also hear about a so- called progressive case for
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deficit reduction. , cres have not focused on deficit reduction when it comes to dealing with the sequester -- democrats have not focused on deficit reduction when it comes to dealing with the sequester. >> do you expect them to expand on things he talked about during the inaugural speech? including climate control -- climate change gay marriage? >> yes. those are all open questions. a lot of people are anxious to hear whether he really is aggressive and specific on climate change. this is something that was a centerpiece of his political identity, and he was criticized by the right for advocating it during his first term as he focused on other things, other big issues like healthcare and the looming fiscal crisis. a lot of pressure there. gay marriage -- i do not expect a whole lot to come out. he has said his piece about his position. i do not expect a lot of legislation on that. >> during his speech yesterday
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his weekly address, he hinted that there might be room for short-term solutions when it comes to sequestration. a lot of people in the dc area are interested. do you see that being the route they will take, kicking the can? >> that would be the best case scenario. it is becoming increasingly possible, if not likely, that sequestration will go into effect. whether it is brinkmanship or not, we hear it increasingly from both sides. they are focusing more so on the blame game and trying to figure out how to criticize the other side for letting this happen as opposed to actually solving the problem. >> i want to turn to karl rove who is probably still thinking that romney has won the election. he is back in the news once again because he has found a way to try to save the republican party and the republican brand? >> there is, independent of karl
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rove, a big debate going on within the republican party about the positioning of the republican party whether it needs to become more centrist on certain key issues. immigration is the big one where we have seen some concession that other issues including gay marriage taxes and spending, gun control. there is already this debate going on. karl rove is entering the debate and talking about how the republican party and his group in particular needs to spend more heavily to ensure that fringed win the pipe -- primaries. this inflamed like nothing else the folks who feel singled out, the tea party candidates, the base of the republican party. what otherwise might have been sort of a quiet conversation among intellectuals and elected officials here in washington is perhaps because of karl rove went to get very loud and
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possibly very nasty in 2014. >> we will keep you guys busy for a few years. thank you. >> in other news, former prince george's county councilwoman leslie johnson is now out of prison. she was sentenced to one year behind bars after she admitted she flushed a checkdown the starlet. she also stopped nearly $80,000 of bribes in her bra. she is the wife of a county executive serving a sentence for corruption. >> politicians rocked by scandal and sent to prison, and taxpayers in maryland still have to pay for their pension. >> we have confirmed former anne arundel county executive joel leopold is the latest lawmaker to be conduct -- convicted of misconduct, but will still receive his pension. >> john leopold, convicted just
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last week of misconduct, will still get a pension check from taxpayers. $30,000 a year for the rest of his life. jack johnson, former prince george's county executive will continue to get his pension $50,000 a year even though he risen for extortion and bribery. member the wiretap that told him to hide $80,000 in cash in his underwear -- her underwear? >> what do you want me to do? >> put it in your panties and walk out of the house. >> and former baltimore mayor sheila dixon, who stole gift cards for needy children, gets $83,000 a year. >> it just does not make any sense. >> a republican delegate passed a law stripping officials of their pension if they are committed of a felony while in office, but his colleagues would not go for it. >> i do not know what it is. i do not get it. >> why did it stalling your
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committee? >> i do not remember the bill. >> the bill he says he does not remember hitting very close to home. at the time, a prince george's county senator was under federal investigation for corruption charges. he was eventually cleared but he was on the committee and let the pension bill died. >> i cannot say on public tv what i feel about those politicians. >> delegate george's pushing the pension bill again this session. he says the only way to get his colleague to consider it was to water it down drastically. as it stands it would only create a task forced to simply study the issue of convicted of elected officials and their pension. >> one teenager's idea could have implications across the country.
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i'm lorenzo. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service® no business too small. >> taking a look at the week ahead. it will be busy on capitol hill.
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the senate judiciary committee will hold a gun violence committee on tuesday that will focus on how to keep communities safe will also protecting the rights of gun owners and the second amendment. >> group of eight members from the house will present ideas for immigration reform. the bipartisan group has met on and off in a near-total secrecy for four years. this will be the first time they will talk about the legislation they have drafted. they may also release some principles they want to see along with immigration reform. >> tuesday night, president obama delivers his state of the union address. he has decided to try to rally house democrats behind his second term agenda. he wants to focus on job creation and fostering a independent energy plan. we will also expect to hear about gun control. >> the capitals spending some time with some very deserving fans. coming up, more on the clinics for children with disabilities.
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>> tonight, a tornado swept through a city in mississippi, causing significant damage. take a look at this video posted to youtube.
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you can see the twister slowly moving across the city. buildings on the university of southern mississippi campus were damaged. the school had declared a state of emergency. officials say there were no deaths reported, but three people were injured. >> we are keeping and i on our area. >> over the next seven days or so you are going to hear a lot about computer models about storms shifting or developing the potential for this or that. >> busy week for you. >> we make our forecast based on these models. right now they are indicating we could be looking at winds -- winter weather, wednesday, thursday, and again on saturday. >> these are models we have relied on in the past. >> something to keep in the back of your mind. we talk about the present time it is cool outside. some rate is about to move in.
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i am 100% confident that tomorrow morning all you will see following -- falling from the sky will be raindrops. temperatures will rise as we move through the morning hours. it is 39 degrees at reagan national airport. in the middle 40's. high today made it up to 46 degrees. that is where we normally are for this time of year. 39 in bristow. 34 in the district at lafayette elementary school, where the daytime high hit 40 degrees. temperatures across the board are well above freezing. gaithersburg in the mid 30's. looking for that colder air had well off to the north and east. caribou, maine, now at five degrees. here is the cold front that will move off toward the east as we move through the early morning hours and into early tomorrow afternoon. once we move on through, our
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skies will begin to clear. wind will remain from the south, and that will bump temperatures into the 50's through much of the area. changes are on the way. we will look for a cool down tuesday. by wednesday and thursday, a potential to bring us wintry weather. here are is where the showers are moving now. around the beltway@1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. we have a freezing rain advisory north of the mason dixon line. i do not think it will amount to a whole lot but if your travel plans are taking you to pennsylvania be prepared. the next 48 hours, showing the rain across our area, once this moves on through look at the job in temperatures. in the 50's for daytime highs. cooler on tuesday. then more cold air arrives on wednesday. i thursday we could be looking
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at some rain, some sleep, and some snow. a lot could change between now and then. jacqui jeras is here tomorrow morning. we will give you updates. temperatures tomorrow around 53- 60 degrees. milder temperatures toward the south, and the extended outlook shows a mixed bag of wintry weather on the way. look at daytime high temperatures as they tumble. unsettled weather wednesday into thursday. again on saturday. >> a lot to potentially prepare for. >> so far this winter, 1.5 inches of snow of facial he at reagan national. >> which is nothing. >> we will keep an i on all that. >> what started off as a simple science fair project -- one girl's [ male announcer ] so there's
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11:56 pm
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>> when catherine first came up with an idea to treat pain with -- for wounded warriors, she got a b in a school project. now she has a patent. >> she is changing the way amputees he'll. >> the way she is recognized around her west virginia university campus could be misconstrued as a pickup line.
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>> you are the girl with the leg. >> it is this one who brought her onto the international leg. a prosthetic device she designed, patented, and is working to get onto the limbs of amputees suffering from phantom pain. >> for some people it is a burning, or a cramping, or a itching sensation. >> she has been ample time at walter reed medical center with her father, a retired air force lieutenant colonel. noticing the phantom pain amputees complained of from limbs that were no longer there. >> it shows the temperature inside the socket. >> just 16 years old and leading a project for the science fair she opposed the idea of using warmers in the prosthetic limb to distract the brain from pain. the concept is simple -- use heat to treat pet -- phantom pain like you would use a heating pad to treat sore muscles. . you would think it would already be in practice, but that is where catherine thinks her young age is a advantage. >> i did not have all these
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preconceived ideas. i was solving the problem at the simplest level. >> the medical community took note. the socket put her on the map -- map leaving her inbox inundated with e-mails from amputees around the world. >> this provides the capability of helping millions of amputees fit into whatever they do and be successful. >> trying to raise the money to move the device into clinical trials, catherine is crossing these hurdles before it even crossing graduation stage. >> they are overlooking my age, my background, my education. they see this idea has value. >> not bad.


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